Polymer Modifiers for Concrete and Gypsum

Forton® VF-774 is the world-wide standard concrete additive for making lightweight GFRC panels. It is recognized by the PCI as the only polymer supported with a 20 year durability study.

Alpha gypsum additives make gypsum far stronger and more weather resistant. Forton® and Matrix products are a lower cost alternative to resins. You can cast solid or make lightweight architectural elements and sculpture castings by reinforcing with glass fiber that are suitable for outdoor display. A variety of casting effects are possible including marble, metal, stone and more.

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Forton™ VF-774

Acrylic Co-Polymer For Use In GFRC

 Forton™ VF-774 Polymer Additive System for GFRC + Compare

Forton™ MG

Polymer Additive System for Alpha Gypsums

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duoMatrix™ Concrete System

Polymer Modified Concrete Additive

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duoMatrix™ Gypsum Systems

Polymer Modified Gypsums

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Starter Kits

Everything You Need To Make It Now!

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