Web Tools ‑ Interactive Smooth‑On Material Specification Charts

Web Tools - Interactive Smooth-On Material Specification Charts

These interactive charts show all technical data available for all Smooth-On products sold online.

Now you have access to constantly up-to-date charts that provide the latest technical specifications for all Smooth-On products online. These charts are located in the reference section of our website.

How can these charts be used? Visit www.smooth-on.com/charts. Simply click on the category that represents the material you are looking for information on. The chart immediately opens revealing an easy to read format and all of the technical data for every product within selected material family.

Once the chart has been opened, scroll up and down and left to right to view all of the available data. Clicking on the color block to the left of the name will highlight the selected product across the row of information. If you would like highlight more than one product: repeat this step.

Highlighted Rows

Any chart can specifically be sorted by the categories listed on the top of the chart. For example, Mixed Viscosity, Pot Life, or Cure Time.

Sorted By Pot Life