How To Make a Face Casting with Alja‑Safe® Crystalline Silica‑Free Alginate

Step 2: Mixing and Applying Alja‑Safe™

Next, water is added into the mixing container first. Then the Alja-Safe™ alginate is added into the water. For best results, the componenets are mixed while adding the power into the water. Using a Squirrel mixer attached to a power drill helps to blend a large batch of alginate consistently and fast.

When the Alja-Safe™ alginate is thoroughly mixed, it can be applied to the model. The Alginate is applied from the top down. Alja-Safe™ will remain workable for about 8 minutes giving you time to work into all detail areas. More alginate is added until mold sufficiently thick (at least 1/2''/ 1.27cm). When the face is covered with Alja-Safe® alginate no more alginate is needed.

Note the holes in the nose - so the model can breath.

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