How To Make a Brush On Mold of an Antique Rifle

Step 3: Applying Thickened Layers of Rebound 25

Thi-Vex® Silicone Thickener is used for subsequent layers to thicken the Rebound™ for building up key areas. The thickened silicone is applied to the gun and flange. Ice cube trays are filled with Rebound™ 25 in order to create keys that will help register a support shell onto the silicone correctly. Two trays are filled partway to create these keys. Once cured, the ice cube shaped keys are placed on a tacky layer of silicone covering the gun. Additional silicone is used to cover the keys and secure them to the mold. The final layer of silicone is applied without Thi-Vex® and smoothed out over the length of the mold.

 Previous: Applying First Layer of Rebound 25 Next: Demolding and Preparing for Support Shell