How To Restore a Rare Find Using Free Form® SCULPT

Step 3: Applying Free Form Sculpt

Free Form® SCULPT is a 1:1 epoxy putty that blends together easily when water is added to it. Equal parts of putty are dispensed out of the containers. Free Form® SCULPT is immersed in water prior to blending together to achieve maximum work-ability. Part A and Part B are blended together carefully by hand. Once a uniform color is achieved, Free Form® SCULPT is ready to be applied.

Free Form® SCULPT is then fitted onto the cardboard armature and blended into the existing piece. Water is used to smooth out the Putty and ensures that nothing sticks to the sculpting tools. Sculpting tools are dipped into water prior to using them to sculpt Free Form Sculpt®. Water helps smooth the putty as well as sculpt fine detail on the surface easily and efficiently.

A long potlife coupled with ease of workablity, makes quick work of an otherwise tedious process. The dragon horn is quickly restored with a couple spritzes of water and a few touches of the sculpting tool against the Free Form® SCULPT. More is applied to the broken wing bottom as well and the gargoyle wing is repaired using the same technique.

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