How To Make a Brush‑On Mold Using Dragon Skin™ Silicone Rubber

Step 8: Preparing and Building Part 2 of the support shell

Build a new clay shim to separate the front halves of the support shell. Cut keys into the clay shim.

Plasti-Paste® will stick to itself if not properly released, so begin by brushing Sonite® Wax over all surfaces. Spray an even coat of Universal Mold Release over all surfaces that will come in contact with Plasti-Paste®. Mix and apply Plasti-Paste® to section 2. Build Plasti-Paste® support shell to an ultimate thickness of 3/8'' (1 cm). Allow Plasti-Paste® to fully cure (approximately 90 minutes) before proceeding to the next step.

Once section 2 has fully cured, remove clay shim. Use a Dremel tool to trim sharp edges and corners.

 Previous: Applying the First Part of the Plasti-Paste Support Shell Next: Applying Third Part of Support Shell and Demolding Original